CASB Mahjong Tournament + Chinese Poker

The Annual CASB Mahjong Tournament is on again!!

Feeling lucky? Come down to the SAC this Thursday 9/27/07 at 7:30pm and join us for an eventful night filled with Mahjong and Chinese Poker.
Beginners and Experts are welcomed.
Winners of the tournament will receive a coveted Mahjong SET!!!
Prizes will be available to Chinese poker winners as well!!

Join the fun and win a prize!!

Involvement fair is just around the corner!

Hi everyone! I'm going to keep this short so it wouldn't confuse any of you. As of now, CASB is going to be presenting you what our club is all about. Please stop by our table to check it out. We'll be wearing our shirts and sweater, so if you can't find us, we'll find YOU. Here are the events to let you guys know ahead of time so you can write it down.

Involvement fair is this wednesday(9/19)

  • we'll be having our sign up sheets for future events(we'll let you guys know what it will be at the fair)

Our first general body meeting is wednesday night (8:30-10pm)-Rm :Union UCC 135

  • It's going to be at the union, if you get lost, CASB members will guide you.
  • There will be an upcoming elections, if you plan to take part in the club.
  • Free food will be provided.

If you have any questions, concerning about anything I've written up, just leave a comment and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.


- Chinese Association at Stony Brook


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