End of Semester Events!

First of all, China Night was a huge success!!! Thank you everyone for participating in it and coming to watch it! I hope that it was well worth the money. Everyone did an awesome job. Many have said that it was the best China Night they've seen which is gonna make it hard to top for next year's. Pictures and Video will be available soon! Check back often to see for any updates.
Join CASB! =D

The Philippine United Student Organzation, also known as PUSO, is going to kick off the May month with their annual PUSOfest; a cultural show featuring acting and performances. It's coming up this Thursday 5/1 and held at the SAC Auditorium. Tickets are selling now at $3 SBU Student and $5 non-SBU student. Good show for cheap price, not bad at all. Doors open at 7pm so hope to see you there! For more information, click on the following link.
PUSOfest - Thursday 5/1

Then right after PUSOfest the next day, Friday 5/2, the collaboration of the Asian student organizations, headed by the Asian Student Alliance (ASA) will be having their traditional Nations of Asia Semi-Formal. It will be held at the beautiful surroundings of The Meadow Club. Tickets are being sold now at $20 for on-campus and $30 for off-campus. You may think that it's a bit pricey, but it's worth it. Dress fancy and sharp and prepare to dance the night away with that special someone or just sit down and enjoy the meals provided. Click the link for more information.
Nations of Asia Semi-Formal - Friday 5/2


WE ARE OFFICIALLY SOLD OUT TODAY! A little more then 24 hours and we have sold out all 500 tickets! This show is going to be big! For those of you who have yet to buy a ticket, there will definetly be individuals selling them. How much they're selling them for? Well, it depends how nice they are xP For those of you who have gotten your tickets, good for you! You managed to beat many other to the chase. These tickets are hot items right now.

So remember guys, CHINA NIGHT 2008 is this SATURDAY, APRIL 19th at 7:30PM. Come see why we've been selling out our tickets so quick within the past 3 years. JOIN THE FUN! JOIN CASB!

China Night Count Down!

Holy crap! It's already been day 1 and approximately 56 tickets are left for China Night. Out of over 500 tickets to begin with, I'd say that's pretty good. Guess we'll be expecting a pretty good turn out and we'll be expecting you there! If you don't have a ticket, I suggest you try to get one quick. Ticket office opens at 11:30am in the morning.

In the meantime, while you're waiting for China Night and you wanna catch a show, you can catch KSA's Korean Night (K-Night) at the SAC Auditorium on Thursday 4/17. More information available in the links below.

China Night - Saturday 4/19

Korean Night
- Thursday 4/17

Hope to see you there guys! =D

China Night is Almost Here!

Heyy guys! It's getting close to that time of the year again when CASB shows off another one of our awesome shows. If you had a chance to see last year, then expect to see an even better show this year and if you didn't, I strongly suggest you watch China Night 07.

Here are some important info:
Tickets will be sold starting
Monday 4/14 at the SAC ticket box
The prices are
$6 On Campus
and $8 Off Campus

I strongly suggest you get them ASAP because they were sold out WITHIN 24 HOURS last year!!!
So don't delay!

China Night - Saturday April 19th
It'll start around
7:30pm at the SAC Auditorium
(but it is recommended to be at the doors by
7:00pm to ensure that you will get a good seat.)

If you are still interested, we are still doing props for the show so if any of you guys have any free time or would like to contribute to China Night, Prop Meetings are held every day but you are not required to show up to all of them. It would be appreciated if you do though. It starts around 8:30pm-9pm at Whitman Rec Room in Roth. So come by and help out! =D

Last but not least,

China Night Props

Wow....it's been a long time since anything has been updated here hasn't it. Our apologies for not keeping up with this blog, but we've been busy as heck and still are. As you may or may not know, China Night 2008 is going to be on Saturday April 19th and we're going to need your help if we want to continue our streak of successful shows. If you're interested in contributing for the show, we have been having Prop Meetings EVERY DAY at 8:30pm in Whitman Rec Room over at Roth Quad. Of course you don't have to show up every day but if you can, it'd be greatly appreciated =D. Have fun painting, drawing, or even cutting! Contact Rodney Chan at rodchan86@gmail.com for more information.


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