An Early Welcome!


The Chinese Association at Stony Brook (CASB) is hoping everyone is enjoying the rest of their summer. We hope you guys have all gotten a chance to relax and maybe hit up a couple of awesome bbqs, parties, maybe had a kick ass vacation somewhere, waking up after 2 in the afternoon, or even made some money at a dead-end summer job. As you all may know, school is starting soon which means the end of the seasonal bliss. We would like to take this early opportunity to welcome the incoming freshmen and transfer students. A nod of the head goes out to all you returning students as well.

CASB is excited to announce this website (or blog) as our new online home. We will be updating all of you on our events and news as well as posting up all of our pictures here. This site will be continuously updated throughout the semesters with the latest word from CASB cabinet members, which means you readers will be the first to know about our most current events and activities.

If any of you have questions or concerns, please feel free to post a comment on the blog entry. Otherwise, please email us. The tabs on the menu bar will link you to the sites we use the most. [aa]2 is an online magazine focused on asian american culture and asian-oriented clubs in Stony Brook University. It provides the latest events on campus and is a close partner to CASB. Pictures of our past events such as CHINA NIGHT are posted there. We also have a group on Facebook. If you join it, you will be provided with bulletins on upcoming events and it's a great way to network yourself among the other members of our club.

Now that the basics are laid down, we will leave you guys to enjoy what's left of the summer. A proper introduction of ourselves will be reserved for a later date. See you guys soon!


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