CASB Singing Contest!

Hey Guys, it’s that time of year again! CASB will be holding its annual Singing Contest Thursday November 20th, 2008 in the Sac Auditorium from 730PM-1100PM. We have a great line-up, so come out and support our contestants! Free food and drinks will be served. Who will be this year’s contest winner!? Come and find out! Hope to see you there!

Singing Contest Tryouts!

It’s that time again! CASB is looking for talented singers to compete in our annual Singing Contest taking place November 20th,2008. Think you have what it takes? Come audition for us! Please have two songs prepared when you try out. You can either bring a flash drive with the mp3’s so we can play it while you sing or you can choose to sing acapella. Duets are appreciated as well! Please also have two songs prepared together. The songs you choose do not have to be the ones you compete with if chosen. Audition dates will be:

Tuesday, November 4th, 830-10PM @ Main Library N3033
Wednesday,November 5th, 8-10PM @ SAC302
Friday,November 7th, 8-10PM @ Main Library N3033
Monday,November 10th, 8-10PM @ Main Library N3033

**If you want to try out and cannot make it to any of these dates, please email us at and we can schedule a better time for you! Hope to see you there and good luck!

**Don't be shy. Experience is not necessary!

Poker Tournament!

CASB is calling out all the poker players November 6th, 2008. Compete in our Poker Tournament taking place at SAC Auditorium from 730PM-11PM. Sign-up begins at 630PM and its first come first serve so come early to guarantee your spot! This is your chance to show your skills in Texas Hold’em and win prizes while you’re at it! Buy in is just a canned good for donation! Chinese poker tournament will also be taking place for a canned good as well. Come out, compete and start racking up those chips! Let’s see what you’ve got!


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