General Body Meetings!!!

Hey guys, a lot of ppl have been asking when our next general body meeting is so we decided to have a general body meeting on

Wednesday, October 17th
SAC Room 305 8:30PM
China Night Screening, Singing Contest Try-outs!

For all of you who don't know what China Night is, it is our annual show featuring dancing, modeling, acting and memorable comedic scenes sure to make you laugh. Come to this meeting to find out more. You won't regret it!. If you missed last year's awesome China Night, don't fret. This is your chance to watch it for free without having to pay for tickets! If you didn't watch it, I highly highly recommend you to take this opportunity to sit down with your friends, and enjoy the show while eating free food and drinks!! If you've already seen it, you know you wanna see it again, so come and stop by and enjoy it all over again.
Also, our Annual Singing Contest is coming up on November 1st. Therefore, we're going to be having try-outs on that day as well. If you think you can sing and want to show it off, come to our meeting so we can audition you for our contest. You'll have to have two songs prepared first though. Come try out because we're going to be giving out prizes to the winners!

and on

Wednesday October 24th
SAC Room 305 8:30PM
ame Night, Singing Contest Try-outs!

When we think of games, we would probably be thinking about video or computer games. But remember the good ol' times when you and a bunch of your friends would just chill at someone's house playing board games like Cranium, Fact or Crap, or even Taboo! Well come to our general body meeting to feel like a kid again. Relax and have a night of fun with some good ol' fashioned board games!
If you can't make it to our singing contest try-outs on the 17th, we will be holding another one for this general body meeting as well. These days won't be the only days we will be holding them so don't worry. Our tentative dates will be on the 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, and the 24th. More information concerning the date, time and location of these try-outs will be given out via this blog, e-mail and our facebook group. So if you haven't subscribed to our CASB e-mails or join our group on facebook, do it now!! =D


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