It's that time of year again to bust out the tiles and make some shuffling noise... CASB presents our Annual Mahjong Tournament to the student community of Stony Brook University!

Whether you're laying out monster hands or trying out this age old game from our motherland China, come out and you'll definitely have fun! We have the entire ballroom set up with tables for friendly Mahjong gaming with difficulties ranging from:



We will also be offering different board games for players that have been removed from the tournament.


September 23rd, 2010
SAC Ballroom A
7:30PM - 11:00PM


Email us at

or check out the blog at


Come get your gambling fix with us, and you're bound to meet people from all different backgrounds. What better way to make new friends than with:

-Plenty of tables for players of all different skills



-and much more...


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