CASB presents... Singing Contest!

The stage has been set. See performers from all over Stony Brook University campus duke it out to gain favor of prestigious judges, in our CASB's Annual Singing Contest.

Be there to witness Stony Brook history in the making, as we provide refreshments, entertainment, and guest performances. T-shirts will be given out. See what prizes the candidates contest for as they attempt to rank among the Carrie Underwood and Jordin Sparks of SBU.

Don't forget to put this outstanding night on your calendar, because there is much to see and hear.

There can only be one...


November 18th, 2010
SAC Auditorium
7:30PM - 11:00PM


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Bring your kids, bring your wife, and bring your husband for:




-Guest Performances

-Concert-style Competition

-and so much more!


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