CASB Presents... Winter Crafts Night!

It's a perfect time to gather, be warm, and prepare creatively for when the snow rolls in. Come join CASB in our first annual Winter Crafts Night.

We will be bringing our caroling voices, gingerbread house-making hands, and the long stockings on our feet... to hang. All we ask you to do is to bring AT LEAST one non-perishable canned good to donate for a greater cause and to feed the hungry during these times of cold. If you bring in more than one can, there will be more for you to do at the Winter Crafts Night, we can donate bountifully to the hunger relief organization, Island Harvest, and the hungry will go home, well, less hungry.

Aside from your donation, we will be providing drinks, food, holiday conscious sweets, as well as crafts for cards, stockings, care packages, and whatever else a festive winter harbors. The admission is simple and does not compare to what is going on that night.

-The best looking crafts will win PRIZES, so get your a-game.

Bring some friends, a few cans, have a good time, and let the festivities commence!


December 2nd, 2010
7:30PM - 11:00PM


1 Can of Non-perishable Goods = 4 Tickets

Maximum 8 Tickets (No limit on cans donated).


Email us at

or check out the blog at

or add us on Twitter at


"Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree. In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall."

Although the our annual China Night is next semester, we are going to hold a China Night 2011 screening for those that live in a bubble and/or have not heard of this highly accredited show every spring semester.

The screening will be served with ICE CREAM, so if you want to hang out, have a good watch, or just meet new people, come through!

Disclaimer: If you are lactose intolerant like I am, you should still come out cause there are good times to be had.


December 1st, 2010
SAC 302
8:30PM - 10:00PM


Email us at

or check out the blog at

or add us on Twitter at


Some excerpts from last year's China Night:

TOFU Dance -

Lingerie Modeling -

CASB presents... Singing Contest!

The stage has been set. See performers from all over Stony Brook University campus duke it out to gain favor of prestigious judges, in our CASB's Annual Singing Contest.

Be there to witness Stony Brook history in the making, as we provide refreshments, entertainment, and guest performances. T-shirts will be given out. See what prizes the candidates contest for as they attempt to rank among the Carrie Underwood and Jordin Sparks of SBU.

Don't forget to put this outstanding night on your calendar, because there is much to see and hear.

There can only be one...


November 18th, 2010
SAC Auditorium
7:30PM - 11:00PM


Email us at

or check out the blog at

or add us on Twitter at


Bring your kids, bring your wife, and bring your husband for:




-Guest Performances

-Concert-style Competition

-and so much more!

CASB presents.... Cultural Carnival!

Come ONE, come ALL. CASB is hosting our annual Cultural Carnival, and it shouldn't be any less enjoyable than last year's. In fact, I think this is going the be our biggest event of the semester, so come through to find out how we run things.

This event will have a plethora of food from around the world, returning Carnival games such as SeeSaw and Fish Pong, performances, prizes, tabling, T-shirts... where does it end?

We would like to reach out to the communities of all different cultures, for this one especially. The Carnival is cosponsored by some other respectable clubs on the campus of Stony Brook University, so you may meet a tremendously active student body.

For more information...


October 14th, 2010
SAC Ballroom A
7:30PM - 11:00PM

The pricing is as follows:

-$3 for 5 tickets.

-$5 for 10 tickets.


Email us at

or check out the blog at

or add us on Twitter at


We are bringing you the long awaited Cultural Carnival, so we expect only the same effort on your part. Bring your friends, family, or just anyone you want to have a good time with, and last but not least, you.

Cultural Carnival will contain the following:





-and more...

It's that time of year again to bust out the tiles and make some shuffling noise... CASB presents our Annual Mahjong Tournament to the student community of Stony Brook University!

Whether you're laying out monster hands or trying out this age old game from our motherland China, come out and you'll definitely have fun! We have the entire ballroom set up with tables for friendly Mahjong gaming with difficulties ranging from:



We will also be offering different board games for players that have been removed from the tournament.


September 23rd, 2010
SAC Ballroom A
7:30PM - 11:00PM


Email us at

or check out the blog at


Come get your gambling fix with us, and you're bound to meet people from all different backgrounds. What better way to make new friends than with:

-Plenty of tables for players of all different skills



-and much more...

Welcome Back Fall 2010

CASB welcomes everyone back, new and old, to a fresh year. Get your class schedules down, keep an open mind to meet people of different backgrounds, and be chills with your RAs (for so many reasons).

Stay tuned to this blog to receive the newest updates on our upcoming events, especially our General Body Meetings. We are always looking for prospective members with a lot of character that will contribute to what we stand for. So come out, get to know us, and become part of the CASB family.

Good luck this year and we'll be seeing you soon...

-Chinese Association at SB.


Hey Guys!

China Night tickets are officially SOLD OUT! We're sorry to everyone who couldn't get tickets. For those of you that did, we'll see you at the show!

Lastly, we just want to thank everyone for their support and for helping us beat our record again! WE SOLD OUT IN ONE HOUR! I think I speak for the entire cabinet when I say that we're speechless. This was very unexpected and we are honored to be held in such high regard.

You guys are the best!



Hey Guys and Gals!!
It's that time again... CHINA NIGHT 2010 IS FINALLY HERE!
CASB is one of the oldest cultural clubs on this campus, celebrating our 40th anniversary last year.
Every spring, we like to host a cultural show written by students, directed by students and performed by students!
We will incorporate singing, modeling, dancing and of course acting to make an unbelievable action-packed show!
This is something you do NOT want to miss!!
Some of our amazing student performers include:
-CASB Dance Team
-Taiko Tides
-TOFU Dance Team
-The Sisters of Kappa Phi Lambda
Thats right, all of them in one show! We can't believe it either.
This year, it will be on SATURDAY, APRIL 24 in the SAC Auditorium at 8:00PM. Doors will open around 7, so line up early!
Don't be left without a ticket. GET THEM ASAP!
On-Campus: $8
Off-Campus: $10
Everyone student can buy 1 On-Campus ticket and 2 Off-Campus tickets. ALL TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED AT THE SAME TIME!
Please e-mail us with any questions or concerns at:
We are very excited to see you ALL there!

CASB Presents: Aroma Thera(TEA)

Hey everyone! Join CASB as we teach you how to make scented teabag air fresheners. We will also be showing you guys how a proper Chinese tea ceremony should be run. Come learn about the history of tea in the Chinese culture and have some FREE SAMPLES!

We will also be announcing our FIRST T-Shirt Design Contest! You could have your artwork featured on a CASB t-shirt!!
-The Winner will receive FREE TICKETS TO CHINA NIGHT and they will be announced to the public at the show! (Further details will be discussed at the meeting)

This is a great way to relax after a long week of exams or to have a calm environment to live in.

We will be in SAC 302 on Wednesday, March 24 @ 8:30PM

As always, bring friends and prepare for some fun!

See you all there!

CASB Co-Sponsors TSA Night Market 2010

Hey guys!!

It's that time of the year again! Join CASB along with JSO, China Blue, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in NY, and Taiwanese American Association on LI for TSA's Traditional Night Market. Last year, TSA's first ever Traditional Night Market was a huge success, but this year's will be even better! Come out for the best night ever filled with amazing performances, exciting games and delectable Taiwanese food! For just $4 per person ($5 for non-SBU guests), everyone will bring home with them a gift from TSA, happy taste buds and great memories!

The Night Market will feature more than ten game stands, great Taiwanese cuisine, and performances by the CASB Dance Team, TSA's one and only band Last Rose and more by TSA's new talents! This will be the biggest and best event of 2010.

Last year, the tickets sold out FAST! So if you missed out last year, get your tickets before they're gone! Tickets will go on sale starting 3/8/10 at the SAC Ticket Office!

March 11, 2010
Time: 7PM-10:30PM
Location: SAC Ballroom A
Price: $4 SBU students, $5 Non-SBU guests



Hey everyone!

Come out and celebrate Asian Awareness Week with CASB! We will be hosting our annual Spring semester Mahjong Tournament on Thursday February 18 from 7:30-11pm in SAC Ballroom A.

Food and refreshments will be served. We will have beginner tables, advanced tables, board games and raffles! So take a break from studying and come win some red envelopes and t-shirts!

For MahJong, we will be playing Hong Kong style. Only advanced tables are participating in the tournament. Beginner tables will have teachers for those who do not know how to play.

Guaranteed to be a night of fun! Bring your friends! Hope to see everyone there!

Happy Chinese New Year!



Hey guys!

Welcome back to the Spring semester! CASB will be holding an informational for our annual upcoming event, CHINA NIGHT on Thursday February 11 from 7:30-11pm in SAC Ballroom B. If you want to take a part in acting, singing, modeling, dancing, or props, this is the time to sign up and audition! Food and refreshments will be provided. Hope to see everyone there!



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