CASB Dance Team at First GBM

Did you miss CDT's performance, or just want to see it again?
You're in luck!! Check them out on youtube smile emoticon
Stay tuned for audition locations which will occur on Sept 16 and 17 at 7:30PM!

First General Body Meeting

School is back in session, but that doesn't mean the fun has to end there! 

Come out to CASB's first GBM to learn more about one of the largest cultural organizations on Stony Brook's campus. Meet our current cabinet members, learn about our events such as Dim Sum Night, Fusion Festival and China Night, how to apply to be a part of a CASBfam, and sign up for an interview as a class representative. 

Also, keep an eye out for CASB Dance! You do not want to miss them especially because they will be showcasing a part of their K-Night winning performance.

And if that isn't enough to get you to come out, there will also be FREE pizza -- so make sure to come hungry!

CASBinet 2015-2016

Congratulations to everyone on your new positions!

President | Kevin Yuen-Chong
Vice President | Jessica Tan
Treasurer | Emily Woo
Secretary | Grace Chow

Public Relations Officers | Becky Lio & Stephanie Chan
Events Coordinators | Linda Zhao & Sharon Chen
Events Coordinator Assistants | Huiyi Mai & Keiko Nagami
Historians | Kevin Ng & Tom Li
CASBFam Managers | Jeanette Chan & Jimmy Zhao
CDT Representative | Joseph Leung

Super-Senior Representative | Jon S. Chan

Senior Representatives | Carmen Wong, Danny Feng, Karen Wong, Nick Walsh, Tommy Ketavanan

Junior Representatives | Brian Chen, Tiffany Chan


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