China Night is Almost Here!

Heyy guys! It's getting close to that time of the year again when CASB shows off another one of our awesome shows. If you had a chance to see last year, then expect to see an even better show this year and if you didn't, I strongly suggest you watch China Night 07.

Here are some important info:
Tickets will be sold starting
Monday 4/14 at the SAC ticket box
The prices are
$6 On Campus
and $8 Off Campus

I strongly suggest you get them ASAP because they were sold out WITHIN 24 HOURS last year!!!
So don't delay!

China Night - Saturday April 19th
It'll start around
7:30pm at the SAC Auditorium
(but it is recommended to be at the doors by
7:00pm to ensure that you will get a good seat.)

If you are still interested, we are still doing props for the show so if any of you guys have any free time or would like to contribute to China Night, Prop Meetings are held every day but you are not required to show up to all of them. It would be appreciated if you do though. It starts around 8:30pm-9pm at Whitman Rec Room in Roth. So come by and help out! =D

Last but not least,


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